Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Final Project Reflection


         The scope of the project was to shoot an ONW sophomore edition. The assignment was to create clips and highlights to talk about in order to create the ONW now. My role was a sports anchor which included shooting highlights from games and talking about them with my other sports anchor. I learned how to use the camera equipment and how to use the mic's. I learned some professional aspects as well like how to collaborate with other people and how to manage a project. I would pay more attention and stay more participated in other parts of the project. I would also have done more highlights and talk more on my segment. I will do my positive broadcasting the same. My experiences I would draw from this would be the role of broadcasting and how I can do better next time. 
        My general thoughts about this project is that it was fun and I should have kept a more positive attitude about this class because Mr. Cooper is my favorite teacher its just the class did not seem to fit me as my attitude towards video went down over the semester. I wish I could have had more time in this class with Mr. cooper but my aptitudes have changed and now I have other classes to attend to. This will be my last blog post for this class and I'm sorry Mr. cooper for being so negative and now I look back I should have done better. Thanks for being a great teacher. 

See you later, 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Graphic Design Semester Reflection

What have we done this semester?


We first started off the semester with tutorials on how to use adobe illustrator and photoshop. It consisted of putting a picture on a billboard, learning about layers and editing, and typography. These projects were quick and easy and took a maximum of one to two weeks. I learned basic skills on how to use both platforms and did pretty well on it. I faced many challenges in photoshop because photoshop was harder to understand than Illustrator. My overall opinion on these were that they were very helpful and I learned a lot from them. 


The second project we did was a raccoon in adobe illustrator. We created shapes and colors to make the raccoon. this project took about 3-4 weeks. Then we had to make a fall background to put the raccoon on and then make a postcard for some occasion. Some challenges I faced were that the raccoon layers were messed up so I had to take time and fix them to make them look better. Some feedback was that I could of made the circles under the eyes better. I changed the background color to make it fit better with the color scheme. My overall opinion of this project was that it was fun and a hard task to complete. 


Another project we did was an infographic. This took around 2 weeks to complete. We made wireframes first then did them on the computer. Some challenges I faced were importing the pictures into the document because the sizes were messed up. Some feedback I got was that I could of taken out some words and made my information better. I changed the color scheme to 3 colors or shades of green. My overall opinion of this project was that it was easy and we did not need all that time.

Vector Image: 

The last project we did was a photo of ourselves that we had to vector in adobe illustrator. I made mine more abstract and with more shapes and colors. This project took about 2-3 weeks. Some challenges I faced were figuring out how to distort the shapes to fit my face and skin tone. Some feedback I got was that it was good but I could've done better filling in some empty spaces. I changed my color scheme to make it look better. My overall opinion of this project was that it was the funnest one we did and I really enjoyed it. 

How do I use my time in class?

I used my time in class wisely and often time to spare. I stayed productive by going back over my projects and fixing minor problems I didn't see the first time. Outside of class I drew and got ideas for graphics. I enhanced my skills by getting help and understanding what we were doing. 

Strengths and Weaknesses: 

Some skills that are weak for me are photoshop and editing pictures. Areas that I can improve on are Photoshop and typography. Some strengths I had were vectoring and adobe illustrator. I maximized my strengths by using my time wisely and practicing. 


I loved the projects we did this semester. They were challenging but quite fun. I would change my attitude about graphic design if I could because it is truly fun but it is not something I would want to go into. My overall taking about this class is how to use adobe illustrator and photoshop. My final thoughts about this class is that it was fun and I enjoyed it. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Phone Addiction

What is our project?
For our feature story, we chose phone addiction and how it effects kids and adults. Phone addiction I a major problem in our society. We need to fix this problem so we can build interpersonal skills and social skills. this feature story explains the problems we face today with phones.

What we did.
We interviewed 2 teachers and 4 kids. Five out of six people said they were addicted to their phones. We added b-roll of students on their phones along with Mr cooper. I edited the video into an interview to make the feature story.

What I learned.
I learned the different shots. I learned how to use a mic and edit audio. I also excelled my skills In video editing and filming.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Photoshop Reflection

I learned many things during these photoshop tutorials. I learned how to blend, use smart objects, filter, and many more things. These materials I learned were expressed during the challenge stage of these photoshop tutorials. The three most important things I learned were how to use smart objects, blend, and how to embed or link objects. These were important because it brought the whole picture together. Learning how to blend was a good skill to learn because it can be used on a computer or when you are drawing on paper. My strengths were blending and embedding and my weaknesses were warping, linking, and importing smart objects and making them flow. I would look through the videos more thoroughly and make sure I remember all the aspects. I would do the challenge the same because it was fun and I did what I can on it. Overall this was fun and I learned the basics for photoshop. 

Procedure Video

The ecomm assignment was to make a procedure video. It involved us using the cameras and tripods to make a video that taught other people how to do things. we also had to use story boards before we started. I learned how to set up the camera and the tripod and I also improved my technical skills in editing the video. I would edit my video better and add more soothing music. I would shoot the same shots again because they were great. I experienced many things during this and I will edit better and have more shots to improve the quality of my video.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

4th Quarter Reflection e9

Group Project
The group project was over a product we came up with and a commercial, 3D animation, 2D animation, and a website. The project took most of 4th quarter. Some of the challenges I faced during the project was getting to know my group and making the website. I learned throughout this process to stick with it and communicate for help. I was given good feedback and constructive criticism to make my project better. I changed a lot of things throughout the project to make it better and flow more easily. My overall opinion of this project was I liked it and we should do it again.

Class Time
I used my class time wisely to finish what needed to be finished. I revised my work when i was done and made sure it was perfect. I would use the extra hour to go over the project, find mistakes and fix them, and ask for feedback on it so far. I work on my communication skills outside of class so I can come in prepared.

Strengths and Weaknesses
My strengths are in Video and Graphic design. So far, those are my areas of interests. I maximize those strengths by using them in projects to enhance the project and display and appeal. Some of my weaknesses are Web Design and Animation. I found that I could improve on these areas. I ask for support and help when I'm using these fields of study.

I loved being in Video and Graphic Design class. I would change my work ethic so I could maximize efficiency during class. I learned a lot of things during the year, but i mostly took out communication. It helps during class and out of class. I would like to set a goal of being focused and getting things done for next year. I want to make better assignments and do the best I can. ECOMM was great and i wish to continue with it next year.

Monday, May 22, 2017

4th Quarter Graphic Design Rotation

Our 4th quarter project we made was Dos Maneras. We made a commercial, graphic design, two animations, and the product. Our work is pretty good and we worked well together as a team. We could maybe come up with certain jobs to get more things done. 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Graphic Design Rotation Blog

In our graphic design class, we, as a group, made a product logo, company logo, coupon, web banner, and an AD. Our product logo represents ur headphone speaker very well. Our company logo incorporates our team name and a design that pops out at the viewer. Our coupon is simple but still is important when it comes to the buyer because it gets the viewer to buy our products with a discount. For our web banner and AD we used certain colors that match our logos so it flows together. I think as a team we worked together quite well and have things flowing nicely. We could improve the management and get things done faster.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Mini Presentation Blog

This week we did our mini presentation which included all groups speaking about their products. My role in our presentation was to speak about our product. I gave a detailed description on what it was and how to use it. My role in our group was communicating and giving ideas and sketching ideas. I contributed by giving the idea of the product logo, Dos Maneras. We all communicated very well during our project.

Our team name is Equipo JERT. Its team in Spanish and all of our names put together. Our product name is Dos Maneras which means two ways in Spanish. Our product is a device that is a speaker and it also holds your headphones. It allows the buyer to sync their music to it and carry it around wherever they go. Our target audience is 18-33. Our slogan is "Listen how you want and where you want".

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

CSS and CARP Design

e9 recently did another web project where we used dreamweaver. We used a pdf and followed its directions. The starting HTML was not formatted properly and the one at the end was formatted. The new style info went into the design and code view and made it look much better.

There was much contrast in this. The headings were contrasting with the words and the sub titles. The color was also contrasting with the background. Different color text was contrasting with the background and color of the headings.

Alignment was used in this project. Aligning is the text on the left or right. Much alignment in this with the paragraphs and the titles. The Headings were centered and the words were left aligned.

Repetition is repeating elements unify a design and establish rhythm. The color was reused a lot in this. As well as the text and the headings.

Proximity is the things that go together logically should be grouped together visually. The project looks very good visually and the headings and words are grouped good.

I learned how to format and use code view more effectively. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Spirit animal

My spirit animal is a golden retriever. Im good at making friends ad staying loyal.I have deep relationships and its hard for me to show emotion. I look for security and I'm very caring. I like steady patterns. Im also calm and affirming.

THE apple

This shiny, juicy, succulent, and red apple is a piece of work. It stands before your eyes glimming in the reflection of lights shined upon its glory.One lucky person, only chosen by the gods above will be able to bite into this majestic fruit. The color variety on this apple is truly amazing and percieves the eye to look upon its beauty. Its not just an apple, its THE apple.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Meyer Briggs personality test

The Meyers Briggs personality test is a test to find out what type of personality you are. I took the test and my personality is ESTP. It stands for Extravert, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. I am 38% Exravert, 25% Sensing, thinking 6%, perceiving 12%. 

This description fits me pretty well. Its not spot on because i think i am a intravert more than an extravert. Im more closed in and like to keep things to myself unless i have to speak out loud. Sensing is spot on and thinking is too. Perceiving is very important for me because its how i look at a room and looking for possibilities and problems. It does help me figure myself out more and it guides me towards certain activities. 

This defines me on how i look at things and feel towards certain things as well. Im more of a family guy and not a big team person but more of a partner type of guy. Some roles match up with my personality. sometimes it doesnt but i still have to do it. A lot of people have misunderstood me as a guy whos shy and always having an attitude but they are mistaken. I am a Outgoing kind person.

Ive learned a lot over this test. Especially my personality and how i do things. Most importantly, i figured myself out. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

AB Sequencing

This project used flowing together scenes. It was filmed using a ipad and in the school. We filmed scenes from different angles so when we edited it flowed together well and created sequencing. Sequencing makes the video way better and makes the video makes sense.

I learned how to use seuquencing in different types of ways. I used different angles to film. I also learned and got better at editing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

6 shot system

The six shot system consists of 6 photo angles. There called closeup, extreme closeup, medium, over the shoulder , wide, extreme wide. The closeup and the extreme closeup capture emotion and feeling in the person. The wide and extreme wide capture a big scenery or a big moment. The medium shot is just a normal shot. And the over the shoulder captures like interviews and shows the persons face in a different angle.