Monday, September 11, 2017

Photoshop Reflection

I learned many things during these photoshop tutorials. I learned how to blend, use smart objects, filter, and many more things. These materials I learned were expressed during the challenge stage of these photoshop tutorials. The three most important things I learned were how to use smart objects, blend, and how to embed or link objects. These were important because it brought the whole picture together. Learning how to blend was a good skill to learn because it can be used on a computer or when you are drawing on paper. My strengths were blending and embedding and my weaknesses were warping, linking, and importing smart objects and making them flow. I would look through the videos more thoroughly and make sure I remember all the aspects. I would do the challenge the same because it was fun and I did what I can on it. Overall this was fun and I learned the basics for photoshop. 

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