Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Spirit animal

My spirit animal is a golden retriever. Im good at making friends ad staying loyal.I have deep relationships and its hard for me to show emotion. I look for security and I'm very caring. I like steady patterns. Im also calm and affirming.

THE apple

This shiny, juicy, succulent, and red apple is a piece of work. It stands before your eyes glimming in the reflection of lights shined upon its glory.One lucky person, only chosen by the gods above will be able to bite into this majestic fruit. The color variety on this apple is truly amazing and percieves the eye to look upon its beauty. Its not just an apple, its THE apple.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Meyer Briggs personality test

The Meyers Briggs personality test is a test to find out what type of personality you are. I took the test and my personality is ESTP. It stands for Extravert, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. I am 38% Exravert, 25% Sensing, thinking 6%, perceiving 12%. 

This description fits me pretty well. Its not spot on because i think i am a intravert more than an extravert. Im more closed in and like to keep things to myself unless i have to speak out loud. Sensing is spot on and thinking is too. Perceiving is very important for me because its how i look at a room and looking for possibilities and problems. It does help me figure myself out more and it guides me towards certain activities. 

This defines me on how i look at things and feel towards certain things as well. Im more of a family guy and not a big team person but more of a partner type of guy. Some roles match up with my personality. sometimes it doesnt but i still have to do it. A lot of people have misunderstood me as a guy whos shy and always having an attitude but they are mistaken. I am a Outgoing kind person.

Ive learned a lot over this test. Especially my personality and how i do things. Most importantly, i figured myself out. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

AB Sequencing

This project used flowing together scenes. It was filmed using a ipad and in the school. We filmed scenes from different angles so when we edited it flowed together well and created sequencing. Sequencing makes the video way better and makes the video makes sense.

I learned how to use seuquencing in different types of ways. I used different angles to film. I also learned and got better at editing.