Bouncing Ball
The Process
In class we learned how to squash and stretch and the basic principles of animation. We made a background the first day, then we made the ball, then we made the actual animation. We learned shortcuts and where everything is located. We made the ball stretch on the way down and squashed when it hit the ground. We then saved it as a GIF and saved it to the server.
What Did I Learn
I learned the basic principles of animation. I also learned shortcuts and where basic things are located in photoshop. We mostly learned squash and stretch and how to transform it into the desired shape.
What Would I Do Differently
Next time, I would add more ball images and make it more realistic. I would also make the squash and stretch more detailed as well. I'd make the frames more close to together and then when it times come to the bottom, then I'd make it more spaced out.