Friday, March 31, 2017

Mini Presentation Blog

This week we did our mini presentation which included all groups speaking about their products. My role in our presentation was to speak about our product. I gave a detailed description on what it was and how to use it. My role in our group was communicating and giving ideas and sketching ideas. I contributed by giving the idea of the product logo, Dos Maneras. We all communicated very well during our project.

Our team name is Equipo JERT. Its team in Spanish and all of our names put together. Our product name is Dos Maneras which means two ways in Spanish. Our product is a device that is a speaker and it also holds your headphones. It allows the buyer to sync their music to it and carry it around wherever they go. Our target audience is 18-33. Our slogan is "Listen how you want and where you want".

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

CSS and CARP Design

e9 recently did another web project where we used dreamweaver. We used a pdf and followed its directions. The starting HTML was not formatted properly and the one at the end was formatted. The new style info went into the design and code view and made it look much better.

There was much contrast in this. The headings were contrasting with the words and the sub titles. The color was also contrasting with the background. Different color text was contrasting with the background and color of the headings.

Alignment was used in this project. Aligning is the text on the left or right. Much alignment in this with the paragraphs and the titles. The Headings were centered and the words were left aligned.

Repetition is repeating elements unify a design and establish rhythm. The color was reused a lot in this. As well as the text and the headings.

Proximity is the things that go together logically should be grouped together visually. The project looks very good visually and the headings and words are grouped good.

I learned how to format and use code view more effectively.