Friday, November 18, 2016

I'm an ONW student with an interest in athletic training. My friends and teachers compliment me on my responsibility and organization. I'm looking for advice on how i can put myself in a role that would improve my training abilities. I'm a responsible young man that strives for bigger and better. I want to use my skills to help the people around me that are seeking help.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Ten Strengths

The Process

First, we had to pick 10 words that describes us. The we put it in photo shop and arranges it in a cool formation. We used different fonts and sizes to make it look even cooler. Then we used the timeline in photo shop to make the words animated on the screen. Then we published it on our youtube channel.

What is new?

Learning about the video timeline and making a youtube video was new. The youtube was very confusing but I figured it out and got it published. 


I will take away what I learned in youtube and what I learned in the actually animation. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Arcs Animation

The Process

First we made the layers like the sky, ground, and the ball. Then I copied the ball in an arch movement. As the ball hit the ground, I switched the ball to the sad face. And then, I made the ball roll of the screen. The title fades out into the actual animation at the beginning and fades out at the beginning. 

What I learned 

I learned how to do an arch line. I learned how to make copies of layers and transform them. I also learned how to use squash and stretch while transforming.